Disable access to mix-manifest.json for Laravel Mix

Published 01 March 2021 14:39 (1-minute read)

Some developers store internal scripts in their build process that couldn't do any harm (because of authentication/authorization checks) but want to make it more difficult to reverse engineer the solution. But when you use Laravel Mix with versioning, it exposes the secret script in mix-manifest.json. Don't you want this file to be public?

Here is an NGINX configuration that blocks access to the mix-manifest.json.

location = /mix-manifest.json {
    deny all;
    return 403;

Now, it will show a 403 "forbidden" error. This may let users know you use Laravel Mix.

When you use a 404 error, this could mean you are not using it (but you are):

location = /mix-manifest.json {
    deny all;
    return 404;

Do you use a different way of blocking this file? Let me know, and I will add it to this article.

Robin Dirksen
Robin Dirksen

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